457 Synonyms & Antonyms of BIG Merriam-Webster. big 1 of 2 adjective 1 as in major having great meaning or lasting effect there will be a big meeting to resolve the issue Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance major significant important historic substantial monumental much momentous meaningful tectonic exceptional pivotal remarkable great eventful earthshaking distinguished decisive weighty
457 Synonyms & Antonyms of BIG Merriam-Webster from images.unsplash.com
big 2 of 3 adverb 1 a : to a large amount or extent won big b : on a large scale think big 2 : in a loud or declamatory manner also : in a boasting manner talk big 3 : hard hits her forehand big big 3 of 3 noun 1 : an individual or organization of outstanding importance or power especially : major league usually used in plural playing in the bigs 2